Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Do U remember Mini.....???????

Hi Mini…….!!!!

How R U…?

I wanna ask U something and I also know that it will not be get replied. But then too I m asking… why U come in my life again and again and why U r not allowing me to love someone ales. I tried a lot to fall in love but every time U came between. Every time I started to search U in that girl. Who came in my life. And every time I failed because I know, I will not get U in any other girl and U knew this also.. I know U can’t be here then too why I m doing this? Why I m searching U in everywhere and in every girl. Please tell me…. I know, the love which U gave me, nobody can give.

Do U remember Mini, one thing U told me when we were in deep relationship;

“I m always with U, my fellowship is not yet over, I feel that sometimes we will be back again, wherever U try to go far from me and wherever I live. We will met. lets watch life.”

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